Thursday, 8 March 2007



So having pushed the bike to work yesterday from Alexander Park - the scene of the puncture. I set to today in my office - tuned the bike upside down eased out the inner tube pumped it up a bit and heard the hissing of escaping air. I tracked the hole down applied the glue and then the patch - great instructions in the repair box 1. The side of Aluminium foil is adhesive and care should be taken so that a finger. It's like the start of a creative writing exercise!

Getting the inner tube back in was a swine it just seemed too short and the tire was so tight I bent a spoon I was using as an extra tyre lever. Anyway all is place and start to pump up again and once more heard the hissing. My heart sank. This is not unusual in puncture repiar in my experience. But the prospect of wrestling again with the inner and tyre left me cold. So a quick phone call to Ken Foster Cyclelogic my local bike friendly bike shop.

I go now go into a big speil about punctures I have known but I wont. You just get then from time to time and you move on or in this case not. I have had my current bike since 1998 and apart from the odd puncture it has been brilliant much better than any car for maintenance.

I could get evangelical here and I think it is what drives evangelicals they need others to join them so their doubts and falling aways from the truth path get challenged. I love cycling and I am lazy - Leo rising for you Astrologers out there. Howver my more intensive use of my bike since the summer the training up for End-toEnding has given me so much already. It clears my head and then all sorts of things pop in including solutions to problems, ideas for writing etc. And I feel physically better. So.

Best to all,

Bill Not on bike for a day or two!

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