Monday, 5 March 2007

Mad dogs, whippets and Grace

I got harrased by a viscious dog on the bike (No I was on the bike Not the dog!) on Friday and its owner a young lad was a bit slow to call him off. No damage done but a bit unpleasant, a bit scary. I remember Richard Ballantine's advice in his 'Richard's bicycle book' that when attacked on your bike by dogs ram your pump down their throat. Seems a bit harsh to me but had that dog continued his harrassment and got even more phsyical who knows...

Barbara Ellen in her Observer column a few months ago was writing critically of David Cameron the Tory party leader and saying he wasn't a real cyclist because all her cyclist friends had bodies like whippets. So that has become my catch phrase - 'I'm turning into a whippet'. However I got overtaken by two young things on mountain bikes this morning so maybe I am turning into a tortoise.

However, apart from my shapely legs - that have to be seen to be believed - I believe them - in my cycling run up to Christmas I had to tighten my belt an inch and then when we all got gastric flu last month I lost another inch and remain that way - one trouser size smaller. This is weird and people are commenting on it.

However, I feel great and the regular cycling feels good.

So inevitably perhaps Grace, my 8 and a half years old daughter has launched her blog site - She complains about the quality of my jokes - since she has heard them many times before and she discusses the prospect of camping. What next - my wife Sheila's blog? or watch this space!


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