Thursday, 21 June 2007

The liminal bike-formerly-known-as


F the Greek(!) who is one of my few (regular) comment posters on this blog argues in her latest post against my use of the Roman God Mercurius as the middle name of the bike-with-too-many names.

F suggests instead that I use the Greek God Hermes - nothing nationalist on her part here of course. Hermes in the God of swift travel and liminal spaces. Well I find biking at times very liminal especially when us cyclists go into a bonk - this happens when your blood sugar levels plummets and you can't convert fat reserves quickly enough and your mind starts to drift. Apparently cyclists use up 700 calories an hour.

Indeed this whole business of travelling seems to put me into a liminal space fairly quickly. When I am on my bike between starts point A and finish point B I am inbetween. I am then liminal neither one thing or place nor the other. This lack of definition I find freeing. I can be who I want to be in the moment. I don't have to shape myself to fit around other people.

This is one reason why I like to travel and why I find biking is so appealing.

Anyway back to naming the bike my good friend Dori suggests I call it the bike-formerly-known-as. I quite like that!

Best to all,

Bill on Bike

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

so, no cycling in madison?

Today riding a bike came as a metaphor for the research. Have a look at this blogpost ("the two wheels of the same vehicle"):