Tuesday, 12 June 2007

The bike-with-too-many-names


it had to happen suddenly the bike-with-no-name became the bike-with-too-many-names! It goes like this. We - me Grace and Sheila had talked about a middle name for the bike (this saga is getting like naming a baby saga!.

I thought about Dharma - Nana Dharma Groat, it gives it a spiritual feel and link to the Dharma Bums hence the Banana bums and it nearly rhythm. Grace liked it but Sheila does not and says it does not rhythm. Sheila then suggested Isabel which I remember as an old knock knock joke - viz

Knock knock.
Who's there?
Isabel who?
Is a bell necessary on a bike!

Naw it does not work for me.

Today it was cool and cloudy and feeling a bit damp but not actual rain. I am kinda of getting used to Sheila's bike which incidentally has no bell :). But my bike should be ready for me to pick it up late afternoon, thank goodness. I am having a mileometer fitted to it and reckon my next 70 miler will be along the canals.

Best to all,

Bill on bike

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