Thursday, 5 July 2007

Dancing with the Masai


Just got some sponsorship off my boss Peter and off my secretary Tina (well she not really 'mine' since she looks after a whole bunch of us)which should encourage other people in my department to join in. That makes £722 which is brilliant!

Only a little bit of rain on the way to work today not enough to stop and put on my waterproof trousers. Yesterday cycling home it was just torrential rain. It was so wet my cycling shoes got wet through and were still wet this morning. So maybe I need some overshoes in case it gets this wet on my trip.

I have been remembering the time when I danced with some Masai dancers in Kenya. It goes like this. Before my first conference there in 2004 this Masai dance group came on with some stunning African drum beats to open the conference. I was gripped by it and my body began to move hardly without thinking.

I was sat next to Nonnie from Durham. She said, "Do you want to dance?" I replied, "I will if you will". That was it - we were off up to the front of the audience and among the Masai dancers. It was staggering. They welcomed us and worked us into their rhythms. I felt a bit self conscious from time to time but I was mostly just gripped by it all. I don't know what the largely African audience of over 300 people made of it but I couldn't help myself.

The rest of the conference was mostly polite and serious but with flashes of African humour which I really enjoy.

Best to all,

Bill on bike

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