Tuesday 29 May 2007



Graham who has kindly offered to sponsor me 3p a mile - work it out (or see below)! has offered the following proviso:
"However, returning to your proposed sponsored cycle-ride: miles travelled in the cabs of trucks and in parcels' vans of railway carriages do not count. Neither do miles accrued sun-bathing on the roof of narrow boats on the Shropshire and Worcester Canal. And just because narrow boats follow precisely the same routes as your favourite cycle tracks (and travel at about the same speed as a bike dawdling along them), this does NOT make sitting astride your bike on the aft deck of a narrow boat a legitimate alternative to actually peddling along the tow path. I just thought I'd make that clear to save any misunderstanding later on."

The very idea! As if I would! Anyone would think I was going to cycle like Tim Moore who decided the only way to complete the Tour de France route was to copy the behaviour of the riders and A) take drugs B) cheat.

So why not copy Graham and make your pledges now 1p a mile works out at £10. Money upfront equally welcome.

Best to all,

Bill on bike

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