Friday, 3 April 2009

On Marston Moor

We were at Marston Moor, again and more fired up than ever. For last year the CAVS had won! Had won at Marston Moor - how could we the 'HEADS allow this to happen? After all Cromwell and the 'HEADS, the Good Old Cause, the Ironsides, had won the original battle. And we were just re-enacters weren't we?

Well this year according to Tom - Thomas Harrison - no relation to the real Colonel Thomas Harrison but with a name like that how could he not be a re-enacter? Anyway Tom said that we had a trick or two up our selves and this year the re-enactment would end as it should in a victory for the 'HEADS!

It's bloody cold at Marston even though it's July - must be the effects of rampant global warming - 'One man's warming is another man's freezing doo das' as my mate Frank put it.

So there we were in the cold mist of morning waiting their first attack across the ploughed field. A few hardy souls tried to get us to sing a psalm or two but few of us know the words anymore or could be arsed.

Then out of the mist they came at us. Our pikemen were ready for their horses and so were our musketmen.

Suddenly Frank let out a yell and fell to the ground. 'Bit realistic mate' I said as crimson red liquid spread across his shirt near his heart.
'They're using real bullets,' he gasped.
'Bloody hell' and I dived for the floor just in time.

It was mayhem. The women were worst. They always are. What they did to the CAV prisoners does not bear thinking about. On the other hand 50, yes 50 of us HEADS were dead, and many more wounded.

Bill-on-bike with a bit from his creative writing/work in progress.

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