Wednesday, 3 October 2007

Here we go again


Another wet ride into work.

After an interesting week of online blogging for Quakers - including a ghastly video clip of me that put on You Tube well it's my 5 minutes of fame - I am now gearing up (get it?) for the last bit of my LEJOG.

This is the 200 odd miles I missed out before between 3 miles south of Knutsford ('Knutsford remember me' etc) to Edinburgh. I hope to do the Knutsford to Manchester bit on Friday leaving me with 3 further days cycling planned Thursday 25th October - Sunday 28th.

This time I wont have my back up crew but I will have the new CTC service. This is a bit like the AA they come out to you and fix you or take you to the nearest bike shop etc. They wont do for a puncture but will do it for anything else.

Best to all,

Bill on bike

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