Wednesday, 24 October 2007

24 hours to go


24 hours ago as I cycle into work on a cooler, crisper morning with a clear blue sky. Apparently it is going to be cloudy, cooler and the odd shower over the next few days.

Last minute panic - separation anxiety? - when I am about to make a trip of any kind I always feel I am not ready but I am. Doing yoga the last 5 weeks at my local Ananda Marga centre has been great. It has exercised those bits of me that don't get worked on on the bike and as ever it has chilled me out nicely.

I am excited and daunted by the 4 days ahead. Things could wrong with the bike, with me, I could get lost - I probably will from time to time but hopefully not excessively. The weather could be mean but I have faced that previously and as long as it is not all day and not too windy I can survive. If for some reason I don't complete now then I will complete later Deus volens.

There must be a cyclist's prayer somewhere? I have a vague memory of a Celtic travellers prayer something about the road meeting you. How about 'May the road be smooth for me and the people I meet friendly, and the weather good and may God guide me home.

That will do me nicely.

Best to all,

Bill on bike

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