Thursday, 24 September 2009

The Boss meets with Q again

The Boss decides to meet with Q his spiritual director.
- Hi Boss.
- Hi Q.
There was the usual deep silence that the Boss loved to experience with Q. Part of him just wanted too dwell in that silence for ever. But there were concerns that needed to be aired.
- Q? (Q nods) I have this good friend who is dying and I feel so angry, it feels so unfair (Q sighs) and I wonder 'Why? Why does this have to happen, why does God allow it?'
- So death is such a bad thing?
- Oh.. hmm. Well it is inevitable I guess but...
- So is it a bad thing?
- It feels like it is. She is a good woman and has helped many people and has such a rich full life why should it end so abruptly, so unfairly in the prime of her life.
- I don't know.
- Come on Q I want some answers',the Boss was getting irritated.
- Boss, Boss, said Q gently, 'there are some answers but I think you need to recognise how upset you are'
The Boss weeps.

Again the deep silence in the room rapt itself around the Boss in a comforting glow.
- The friend of yours has enriched your life and it sounds like many others?
The Boss nods in reply not trusting himself to speak.
- Give thanks for that.
- I am thankful but I don't want to lose her.
- Can you really lose her when she is here? (Q points to his heart)
- No I guess not.
- These things are a mystery but we have to trust our experience that nothing can truly divide us from those we love and it is my belief that we do re-unite with our loved ones after we die.
The Boss nods and the silence resumes.

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