Friday, 8 May 2009

Older and growing

Lovely day for biking the sun is shining, the air is fresh, I feel the pull of the open road. Will have to go cycleabout again soon. Len is still around raring to go ('Sure thing Boss').

Yesterday I did an interview with Chris J. who is going to write it up as William unplugged/at 60 or something similar at my prompting. Later I met with Dee and things got even clearer. Some of it goes like this.

It seems as if I am on the edge of the next stage in my life. I am reaching out to offer something a bit different - not necessarily better but different. My institution values youth and sexy (instant) research. I want to offer something from an older viewpoint. Then I notice I am getting more offers than ever to present workshops, lectures, groups all around spirituality and counselling. So it feels as if the outside world is asking, inviting or maybe even calling this newer version of me into being.

So I will have to figure out the doing of this which sooner or later will likely mean retirement from my institution unless they really have a cultural change - but I am not holding my breathe. Part of me does not like change but change is what life is about and it does excite me to. And deep inside I know there are other things I do want to do, other parts of me waiting to see the light.


Bill on bike.
PS I nicked the title of this entry from Carl Rogers.

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