Wednesday, 27 May 2009

God's fire four

(More cretaiev writing. Final bit I think of God's fire)

In the end it was a case of real fire but was it from God or man?

A heated debate ensued both in the old ‘dead trees’ media - newspapers and television and radio but also in the new - emails, websites, youtube, wikipedia, blogs and very new of twitter, wetube, infacts and so on.

Many believed that the Naylerites had deliberately fired St Pauls but their blitz media appearances seemed convincing enough, especially those not by James himself and there was no shred of forensic evidence that the police and other agencies could find to convict the Naylerites although they were held for 4 weeks in protective custody at Friends House Open Prison in Euston Road.

The conspiracy theorists had a whale of a time. Some insisted that it was put up job by the Amalgamated Church of Britain to both act as a recruiting device and to also deflect criticism away from the forthcoming inauguration of a Lesbian Archbishop. Naturally the evangelical wing of the CofB insisted that this was a sign from God that the inauguration was wrong and that we should repent. This call from repentance got rather mixed up with the call from repentance from the Naylerites who like their fellow Quakers were pro gay, Lesbian, Trans and Cyber.

There was even a lunatic fringe who argued that this was a case of spontaneous combustion occurring to a building rather than to a person with a variety of the usual suspects named – ghosts, reptiles, leylines and the like.

However, forensic evidence from the site yielded nothing of significance and the planned public inquiry was rather a washout and there were many more pressing events occurring. Clearly we will probably never know the truth of how ‘God’s Fire’ came to burn down St Paul’s Cathedral but it certainly drew many new recruits to the Naylerites whose number were said to have peaked in the months following the fire at 50,000 according to Infacts.

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