Tuesday, 19 May 2009

I get funny dreams

'I get funny dreams again and again
I know what they but I can't explain..'
-Pete Townsend

So I was drifting in and out of sleep last night musing on the Fibonacci series. That's that wonderful mathematical series that goes 1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55 etc. Each new number is formed by adding the two previous ones. The relationship between any two numbers in the sequence gets closer and closer apparently to the Golden Mean (Yes F. I know it's Greek!) which is supposed to give us the perfect dimensions of height and width. I do think that Maths like Astronomy is profoundly spiritual.

So I then started dreaming that my colleague John was delivering a lecture on the Fibonacci series which is probably unlikely and then realised no it wasn't John lecturing it was my nearest and dearest snoring as I came awake. I suspect I am telling myself that John has talents I am unaware of but moving from him talking to Sheila's snoring is inspired if somewhat anticlimactic.



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