Wednesday, 6 May 2009


There are 3 things on my mind this morning:
1) a poem came to me in the night that I did not write down at the time. It was something about being loved. I am going to have to keep a notebook by my bedside and hope I can read my handwriting the next day - which I had trouble with when I recorded dreams this way some time ago!
2) Sailing on a small boat for a couple of hours on Sunday on a broad near Norwich. The delight of both being swept along on the wind but also the moments where the wind dropped and I was with the sunlight on the still water.
3) Finally getting the latest Pets CD through the post including the bonus CD. I'll write a blow by blow or rather track by track review in a later post but in the words of a long dead housemate of mine from 1981 'This is a record that's worth having a monogamous relationship with!

Yours biking through the rain but lovin' it,

Bill on bike

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