Monday, 23 March 2009


My institution has put a spoke in my wheel (there's a biking metaphor for you) with regard to my work in Kenya and I am feeling like s***. Believe it or not there is a massive amount of interest in Kenya and the surrounding countries in this work. I am trying to find a way forward with or without my institution. There has been such a lack of courage shown here.

I don't feel post colonial guilt. I do feel us Brits have a post colonial responsibility for the actions of our forefathers. But things are rough in Africa (and elsewhere) and friendship has led me to want to offer my best talent. I don't think that I am being naive. I am not making great claims for what I am doing. I am not working in the slums. I am working with some of the best talent in my field out there with people who are making a difference.

Best to all,


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you are making a difference William, regardless of the politics and the institutional barriers....those you inspire will always remember you and your work and that is what matters, F