Monday, 23 March 2009

Stalked by sheep


Last Friday I was up in County Durham running a workshop and staying with Nonie who is more or less a neighbour of Neil Tennant! (Indeed her daughter once rescued his puppy dog and returned the dog to Neil!) However I guessed Neil was in London promoting the new Pets CD and certainly I did not see him whilst walking in the countryside early Friday morning.

But I walked through a field of sheep and new born lambs and they started following me. I stopped turned around and looked at them and then starting walking again and they followed me. I shooed them away and walked on and again they followed me!

When I told Nonie about it she said that it often happens to her and that she then sings to them. She suggested that if I had sung a Pets song to me who knows Neil might have appeared and joined in. Can you imagine - the new video William, sheep and lambs, Neil and Chris dressed in a gorilla outfit all doing Love etc the new Pets single!

Sigh! One can but dream!


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