Sunday, 13 July 2008

Meeting with Q(2)

The Boss came to see me recently and posed the following question:
'How do I know that I am doing God's Will?'
'Why is that important to you?'
'Because... because, I like to feel that my life serves a greater purpose.'
'Yes but you could get that without invoking the notion of God.'
'Maybe, but that is how I figure things.'
'Fine. I was just checking. So, to feel that you are going God's Will is important to you?'
'And you have been doing God's Will before?'
'Yes, albeit imperfectly.'
'And now?'
'And now I feel that I am a crossroads in my life - I am wondering how to best spend the time I have left-'
'Does doing God's Will inevitably involve big life changing decisions?'
'God, let's think about doing God's Will in your life at home, with your family.'
'Aaaaah' sighed the Boss and he slowly breathed out.
'How about a few moments of prayerful silence,' said Q.

We sat in a silence that grew deeper and deeper, like a shared meditation that swept us into the quiet place where souls meet one another and their creator.

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