Wednesday 2 July 2008

Barcelona days (Frankie says 14?)

Hello my blog readers! Frankie here - I must tell you about how stunning the flamenco dancers were in Barcelona. The urgent staccato rhythms of their heels hitting the floor, the hand clapping, the frenzied guitar playing, the body movements, the striking poses struck, the swirling movements, the high energy of the whole performance.

Now the bit you probably wont get is that I can see elements of flamenco in the score of the dancers at the live Pet Shop Boys performance and on their videos.

I was entranced by this flamenco it spoke to something deep within my Welsh soul. I am an archetypal Pet Head. This is because like Neil Tennant I love too deeply to be able always to show it directly. So it has to be at least half ironic, half passionate, half universal, half gay, half straight, half English, half Welsh. All Frankie not afraid to show some passion!

Even the Boss has his passions but no let's not go there too much!

But the Boss was on his feet cheering and whooping the flamenco dancers.

The Boss was aghast that someone at the conference in Barcelona accused him of being a 'romantic'. Well I ask you the Boss romantic! OK he can be mushy at times but he is about as romantic as Cliff Richard! (Who you might well ask!).

Even Jeni putting in a good word for romance did not really lift the Boss's spirits. I think this calls for a vote - all of you out there if you think the Boss is romantic email 'Yes Boss' to and if you think the Boss is not romantic email 'No Boss' to

Love to all,


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