Thursday 17 July 2008

Frankie goes to graduation

Hi Friends and fans!

The Boss smuggled me into the graduation ceremony today and I dressed up(!) and processed in front of everyone. It was like soooo medieval. The gowns, the hats, the hairstyles, the clothes, the shoes and that was just the men! And then there was the photo opportunities! (Let’s take lost of photos to paraphrase the Pets!). “Frankie looks this way!” “Frankie here!” “No Frankie over here!” All the Boss’s students were so keen to be photoed with me. The Boss was quite put out by this but he did look rather fetching and so King Henry like in his floppy hat and gown but rather naff patent leather black shoes. Yeuch a real fashion disaster there Boss. And then we hit the wine and then later the wine hit us. But it was worth it!

Yours not knowing whether I’m coming(!) or going,


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