Tuesday, 17 June 2008

Introducing Q

This is Q here, I am the Boss' spiritual director or soul friend. The Boss meets me from time to time - usually over a long lunch - and pours out his heart and soul to me. He has asked me if I am willing to allow him to quote me here and of course I said 'Yes'.

Indeed my latest words to the Boss were "Consider the lilies..". I also reminded the Boss that doing God's will in whatever sense these words have for him might not necessarily lead to an easy life.
"So God wants me to suffer?" asked the Boss, direct and straight to the point as ever.
"No. If anything to learn-"
"But why does it hurt so much?"
"It just does... and All Things Must Pass."
"You are not much comfort today!"
"Do you want to be made to feel easy or do you want to hear the truth?"
"Both" replied the Boss vehemently.
"OK... I can see you need a rest... Let' sit in silence for a while."

Out of the silence came a profound sense of stillness. All things stopped. Everything made sense. The Universe seems to hold its very breathe ... and then breathed again, a bit more easily.

The Boss smiled with tears in his eyes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Everybody knows he now as F. the Greek....I like the letter F (cause it is the letter for Fos= Phos, meaning 'light' in Greek)...and i see you like Q now (as a spiritual director character!)...Well this Q reminds me of 'queue' and how many spiritual stories i have heard about the souls 'queuing' in the soulspace in order to be re-incarnated !!!