Monday, 16 June 2008

Frankie and the Boss going to Barcelona (10)

Yes it true, the Boss is taking me to Barcelona this Wednesday! He has even promised to take me to the final night banquet and out clubbing afterwards! Well!!!! Mind you have you ever watched a bunch of therapists dancing it is rather hideous! Sorry Boss I didn't mean you, honest!

The Boss was dead pleased to be invited to the student end-of-course picnic last Wednesday. he planned to wear dark shades and his black Pet Shop Boy baseball hat. Well in the end it was held in doors but the Boss still wore the hat - I could have died of embarrassment - And And! he wants to take the same hat to Barcelona! Well as long as he doesn't club in it! Me I will be wearing a lime green T shirt modelled on that dishy Spanish tennis player Nadal plus my long black cycling shorts - can you see me?

Your in anticipation,

Frankie and the Boss (signed in his absence!)

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