Wednesday 4 June 2008

Frankie says (8)


The Boss was in a right state this morning. He had to do a big powerpoint presentation and he brought in his laptop specially but forgot to bring the mains leads and his batteries were flat. Panic phone call by yours truly to the audio visual man Peter who is cool and into jazz and up he comes with a spare laptop and the Boss offers him his presentation on a floppy disc would you believe? Well floppies went out with the ark(!) and Peter's laptop simply does not take them. Another panic by Boss and yours truly to the rescue yet again schelping up and down the corridor searching for a memory stick! Finally, finally the Boss is launched on his presentation.

The Boss was admiring the memory stick I cadged from Liz, 'Small isn't Boss?' I said innocently.
'Size isn't everything, Frankie'
'It is when you are wall papering a room!'

You know something? Every since the Boss has let me loose on his blog the number of hits has gone up by 10% - the Frankie effect I call it. The Boss is not so amused. 'What's wrong with my postings on biking' he asked me rather crestfallen.
'Exactly' I couldn't resist replying even though ii was a tad cruel.

Love and kisses,

Frankie, going to Barcelona if not Hollywood
(So he hopes - the Boss)

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