Thursday, 5 June 2008

Frankie says (9)

The Boss here: I think this Frankie business is getting out of hand. Why only last Tuesday at my therapy session with Dee I found myself talking about Frankie. And then I thought I am paying good money here to talk about Frankie who is a figment of my overheated imagination-
"Oh Boss, that's not-"
"Well have you not heard the expression 'I blog therefore I am'? And have you not heard of the Second World which is virtual and recently had a virtual Pet Shop Boys concert?"

And another thing said the Boss changing the subject as he is want to do when he is losing an argument Frankie is getting better fan emails than me ("Now we are getting the truth Boss". "I'll ignore that!") Why F the Greek says she likes Frankie and that he is fun implying that I am unliked and unfun ("Well if the hat fits wear it Boss!") and Tony has asked Frankie to spill the beans on my lurid past. ("Oh Boss I wouldn't. I wouldn't dare!" Aside encrypted message to Tony "Not unless you offered me a huge publishing deal, well any deal - beggars can't be choosers - and a safe house - you know what a wicked temper the Boss has got - you remember the time he trashed that restaurant 'in a West End town/there's a madman around' - that was the Boss!, or the drunken so-called therapy group/truth telling session in that Moscow hotel, his team has never really recovered..."

Love and kisses,
and in the words of Oliver Cromwell 'Keep your powder dry!'


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