Friday, 20 June 2008

Barcelona days with Frankie (11)

The Boss was livid - "4 hours, 4 hours stuck in the departure lounge at Manchester airport - we culd have cycled there in that time". (Well maybe Jonathan could have -Jonathan is the Boss`s new secretary and a keen cyclist he did 8,000 miles last summer!)

But eventually we got airborn and I blagged a brandy off an airhostess - off her trolley(!) and soon the Boss was snoring away with his mouth wide open, "He´s not with me` was all I could mouth to my fellow passengers who were appalled at the noise - But I didn´t want to wake him up. The Boss can get very very mean!

It is just as well that the Boss gets some sleep in for the way he goes at it at these conferences ´over tired and over emotional´ is absolutely NOT the word for it.

He gets so tired he is almost hallucinating. For instance he becomes convinced that he can sing. Oh my God the embarrassment! Terry will not longer got out with him and Clare sits as far away from the Boss as possible. But Dori only encourages him, in fact she sings along with him which is a shame as she has such a good voice, likewise Dave or El Gringo as the Boss calls him.

The Pets are on my headphones "I get along without you very well" a song Neil wrote about Blair and Mandelson but also about a failed love affair - like me and Lesley - Oh boy what could have been (sob, gulp). Oh shit I have woken up the Boss - better put the headphones on him quick.

That´s better - where was I? Oh yes Lesley...can´t keep brooding on him, I am thinking about him too much... better to think of...hmm... Nadal! Now where can I get a Nike Lime green top to strut my stuff in Barcelona. Ole.

Love and kisses,


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hola Barcelona!

Well, keep singing and let the rest react as they are a Pet Shop Boy, hihi

by the way, Raquel (from the coffee shop at our School) had her last day at work today, next week she returns to Spain. I got my last coffee from her and gave her a farewell note, she mentioned that you must be in Barcelona, she remembers! F.