Monday, 14 January 2008

News from Kenya


Like many of you I have been horrified to hear the news from Kenya following the disputed election results and the subsequent violence with hundreds dead and many people displaced. It felt worse somehow that some of the worst fighting was up the Rift valley where I went last September.

So back at work last Friday I emailed my friends over there for their news and Don Balmer Director of KAPC replied as follows:

"Things are getting back to normal and hopefully sanity will
prevail, although that is a slim hope when dealing with politicians. We
are busy arranging for counselling sessions for people who require it
and this is on a national wide basis so we are busy."

So I hope the optimistic tone of this email does hold true maybe Kenya has looked over the age into the abyss and pulled back. There has certainly been a strong response internationally encouraging a peaceful resolution.

Meanwhile I am writing this from a hotel in Bangalore where I have been at a International Counselling Conference where I gave a keynote speech and spoke about counselling in Kenya. Well I lost it and wept as I thought about Kenya and my audience of 4 or 500 mostly Indians seemed touched by my concern and many came up to me afterwards.

I'll write more soon but I have decided to continue with this blog rather than start a new one and open it out to cover more than just bikes and Kenya!

Belated best New Year to all,

Namaste (The God is me salutes the God in you)

Bill on rickshaw!

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