Wednesday, 22 October 2008

Len and Q in dialogue

(Note for new readers/the easily confused. Len and Q are both figments of my imagination. Len is half white Australian, half aboriginal. Q is the boss' spiritual director and is loosely based on some fine religion people I have met over the years. Still confused - if not you soon will be!)

"Hi Len the Boss told me a bit about your conversation on dreamtime and I was intrigued."
"Yes, he seemed to make a lot of sense of it. As you know us Abos have the idea of there being two realities. There's the ordinary one and what we call Alcheringa, which loosely translates as Dreamtime, which is the Reality behind the reality, if you like. When we go walkabout or with the boss it was cycleabout we connect more deeply with Dreamtime and maybe follow a Songline."
"Well now, all things were created during the Dreaming and the spirits left their marks on the landscape. A songline both celebrates these journeys of the spirit and acts as a kind of map to follow during walkabout."
"It sounds a bit like how the Boss talks about his training rides. He even makes up songs that include places and events."
"Yeah you know if we could get him to sing the parts of this blog that relate to his epic Lands End to John O'Groats journey that would be some Songline, I can tell you!"
"Do you mean that?"
"Yes, sure. Why should not Songlines be created now by individuals of such spirit? The Boss's thousand mile cycleride was some cyleabout I can tell you. And he certainly seemed to spend a far bit of his time in dreamtime"
"There's another thing. You Westerners tend to get caught up in theology too much with disputes about the nature of God and the Universe. Well now, you're mistaking the map for the territory. We Abos like your Quakers, Sufis and Buddhists experience it and talk about experiences but never mistake our words for the actual experience. You can't control how people experience Dreamtime. They just experience it! It is absurd to argue about words, it is also absurd to try and put the experience of Dreamtime into words. Dreamtime is Dreamtime. You are either experiencing it or not. Everything else is irrelevant."

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