Monday, 12 April 2010

Party blues

[creative writing]

- People who believe in politics are nutters.
- Oh yeah?
- Oh yeah.
- Why?
- Why?
- Yes why?
- Because it's a mug's game and it doesn't change anything
- No?
- No, not for the better anyway
- How can you say that?
- Here we go, back to the Welfare state and fuck knows what else. Listen pal this is meant to be a birthday party not bleeding question time at the House of Commons.

Well that shut them up. There was a silence which threatened to become a longer silence so Pet stepped in,
- Time to dance

Right dance. God I was pissed already and it was only 9 o'clock. 'Fuck' time to switch to mineral water. 'Fuck no', "It's my party and I'll spew if I want to. You would spew too if it happened to you." Oh hell from everyone's reactions I had been signing this our loud rather than under my breath.

Time to come up for air. Why did that phrase sound so threatening? The cold air hit me so did the lamp post and I had not even touched it! I breathed in deeply - that was a mistake. I started coughing but managed not to throw up.

I looked heavenward and saw Orion and the Pleides - 'when you wish upon a star .... what would my wish be?
- My wishes are simple she said - to wake up warm with good food and my friends around me.
I could wish for that but it feels too static for me because as soon as you get the scene things start to happen. Knowing that Frankie hates Gina's guts and that Pauline has a crush on Jeremy and Pet has never really forgiven Clive and well it wouldn't work would it?
OK come for breakfast and be on you best behaviour.
- OK?
- OK!

[Now Tony reckons this is the introduction to my novel but I am not so sure!]