Wednesday, 28 April 2010

Mystic detective(3)

[creative writing]

The mystic detective was back in his office, not usually a creative space for him to be but he had already had an extended breakfast at Fuel and had no leads on his current cases to pursue. It was on days like this that eh liked to set off on a long bike ride to clear his mind and hopefully detoxifying his body somewhat. He recalled ruefully how the late, if not great, gonzo journalist Hunter S Thompson, had reported on a visit to his doctor at which he rather truthfully acknowledged the extent of his drug consumption. The medic was aghast but impressed by the feverish sweating that Thompson’s poor body was doing in a vain attempt to cope. The irony was of course that Thompson took his own life… Of course such thoughts were what Thompson would refer to as ‘bad craziness’.

Bad craziness indeed and the office door bell rang to indicate a visitor.
- Frankie, you again!
- Is that the best welcome you can offer to a poor friend and client?
- Of course not… (and noticing Frankie’s paler than usual face) It’s a bit earlier for a brandy?
- Better not, sun over the yard arm and what ho
- What ho indeed, coffee
- Unless it is good Italian… no
- Take a seat… and tell me what troubles you
- Hmm… it’s this business with Claudia
- Uh hn
- Yeah it’s really getting to me… You know being a gay man… I know I was married but really no…. being a gay man children is important. You don’t stop wanting to be a dad just because you are gay… and well I missed out… I’m probably too old for it
- Oh I don’t-
- I do, I was close to it once but then it fell through and I just don’t want to go there.
- OK
- So this business with Claudia-
- Yeah?
- Well if she was younger I could just get on with it… but she is grown up and I don’t what to do and I even know if she is my daughter or not.
- Would that makes things that different, Yes.. No…Oh I don’t know… I just feel so mixed up
- Sounds like you have seen her again
- I have and I kept a glass she used unwashed like you said and I have it with me but I feel like I am betraying her…
- But you need to know
- I need to know so let’s get on with it
- Fine… but tell me more about your last meeting with her
- It was kinda OK but I do need to know whether I am her biological dad… she seems quite keen on yoga
- Oh yeah?
- Yeah she is part of the OM group
- Oh
- Oh? You seemed surprised
- Hmm no or maybe yes, it is just that they have come up in another matter I am investigating…
- Does that mean you think they are dodgy?
- Maybe… have you been invited to their ashram in York? Yes Claudia is dead keen that I visit
- And will you?
- I don’t know it is not really my cup of tea but it seems very important to X
- Be careful, you seem in a rather vulnerable state
- Vulnerable? Moi? I ‘m as tough as old boots
- Oh Yeah?
- Oh yeah! You better believe it!
- Along with 6 other impossible things before breakfast!
- Hey that’s my line!

Frankie was on his way soon after leaving Paul musing on his visit. So Claudia was part of the OM group. Was she really Frankie’s daughter? And what was she up to with Frankie? Well the DNA sample should soon tell us the biology and it was beginning to feel like time fro Paul to visit the OM Ashram but he felt a curious reluctance. He just didn’t have a good feeling about it.