A rather tired and dispirited Boss consults Q his spiritual director on Good Friday.
- Q I feel worn out, everything is just an uphill struggle, I'm getting too old for this game...
- Today is Good Friday!
- Well I'm not exactly nailed to the Cross - not yet anyway - but I certainly could use something of a re-birth if not a resurrection.
- What would it take?
- A bit more care and understanding... a little appreciation would go a long way.... I dunno I think I may be past it!
- Hmm, sometimes one door has to close before another one opens.
If there is a another
- There is always another door whilst you are still alive and breathing. And even death is just another doorway to pass through.
- What lies beyond?
- What do you think?
- I dunno, I have only a ghost of an understanding (laughs).
There was suddenly a silence that deepened and opened out between them. The sense of peace in this silence was tangible. The Boss' fears and anxieties dispersed in the knowing in that moment that 'All will be well'.
Q spoke out of the silence
- So what next Boss?
- A weekend with my family
- Sounds good
- It will be and if the weather holds a day out in the country
- Even better
'May the long time sun shine on you
And all love surround you
And the true light within you
Guide your way home'