Monday, 2 February 2009

Strange Days

These are strange days. I am on my second course of antibiotics for gum infections and had a back tooth removed last Monday and have been taking pain killers regularly for about a fortnight now. In the midst of this my application for promotion fell at the first hurdle i.e. my senior colleagues in my school did not back me. This smarts and I am hurt and anger and of course the dumb inner critic voice is having a field day. Meanwhile yesterday I managed to sit on my glasses and bend the frame!

However, Grace and I were at the Family Choir yesterday and it lifted my spirits. And Sheila took my glasses in to the opticians this morning whilst I was once more travelling through the snow to the dentist. The Optician just warmed up the frame and straighted it out. The dentist reckons I am on the mend at last!

And have you seen Venus so close to the the crescent moon? It takes my breathe away. I have been looking up Johannes Kepler on wikipedia recently because he developed 3 laws of planetary motion in the 17th century which Newton drew on. When Kepler figured out that planets travelled around the sun in an eliptical orbit he thought that the elegance of the mathematics involved was a sign that God exists. Why not, says I?

I went to a funeral on Saturday of a marvelous woman called Margaret Bayes who was 94when she died and a great Quaker and a lovely caring figure before and after Grace was born. I cried quite a bit like I do, and couldn't managed to say anything.

My new keyboard at work has created quite a stir and there has been a lot of talent displayed by my colleagues. It is a crazy notion to have a keyboard at work but why not. I want to deconstruct what work is all about. A song at the Family Choir yesterday had lyrics "Sing with joy when you work/work with joy when you sing"

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