Monday, 10 November 2008

Stacey appears

[Stacey has been a rather mysterious figure hovering just out of my consciousness for the past few months. I knew she was a good editor and a bit of a perfectionist but then at Steve and Andy's Creative Writing workshop on Saturday she emerged into the light.]

"Cheating is not pretty but it happens. That's life aint it?"
"No it bloody aint!"
There was a silence.
Then a longer silence.
Then she swallowed hard and blinked three times. I cautiously reached a hand out and touched her ice cold hand. She flinched but then relaxed a bit.
"I dunno... I dunno, what I am going to do-"
"Why do anything just yet?"
"Whatcha mean? I've gotta."
"make the bugger suffer for a while."
She laughed, "Yes!"
And so began the revenge campaign.

At first it was fun - you know the odd cut up shirt, the odd nasty text message, a very odd computer virus; but then it got nasty. And she was getting way too much pleasure out of it. It had almost become her reason fro living or so it seemed.
"I can't let go."
"I know but you must. It's time to move on."
"But it's like 'I revenge therefore I am'."

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