Friday, 1 February 2008

Poem for Tina

For 3 years now my work team has had the services of an amazingly cheerful woman called Tina. She left yesrtday and o a bunch of us took her out for farewell drinks and a curry, a song or two (Aint she sweet?), and more drinks. I decided to write an instant poem for Tina and declaimed to a crowded restarant here it is:

Poem for Tina

So they gave you a shoebox
Of an office
A phone
A computer
And miles of files

So what did you do?
Float? Sink? Flounder?

You swam
Like a swan
Such elegance

It's strange to be writing poems again. I wrote a lot as a teenager and then stopped in my earlier 20s only to write one again last eyar - Spritual suffering (it's published in Thresholds) and now 3 in the last few weeks.

Best to all,


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