Thursday 20 August 2020

The Boss and Q meet again

The Boss and Q meet again - Hi Boss. - Hi Q…. How goes? - So, so. - Hmmm. - Yeah, it’s suffering again… (The Boss sighs) … You know when I was a young man I naively believed that if you gave people the right information they would act in their and others best interests. It didn’t work. Then in my twenties I came across therapy and thought ‘Aha’ if people can be healed of some of the damage done to them then they will be able to change the world for the better. But no…… And now as I get older and people around me get iller I just see suffering. - Hmm. - Suffering! And… some of it can be helped but a lot of it can’t and just has to be lived with. - Sure. - And I find it hard to be with suffering especially with those close to me… I like to make a difference. - But being with people in their suffering makes a difference! - Oh…. (The Boss tears up.) - And that it sometimes really hard… just staying with someone suffering and not able to make things better. The Boss nods, not trusting himself to speak without crying. They go into a comfortable silence together. And as this silence deepens the Boss begins to feel better as he experiences the value of being present to suffering and the tears flow silently down his face.

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