Wednesday, 6 October 2010

Getting out of the human condition

Getting out of the human condition

For me there is a huge philosophical and spiritual question
To do with truth and meaning
I can never…..
Let me try
I can never transcend being human
I can never step outside of being human
The universe to me is spiritual
I experience that
I have times of experiencing an inter-connectedness
That I regard as spiritual

I cannot not have had that experience
But there’s a sense in which
Perhaps I could
But it feels like I can’t
That I can’t stand somewhere
Outside of being a human spiritual being

And so everything I do
I’m in
And I can’t get out

(I got interviewed by Kim Etherington some time ago and she turned some of my words in stanzas and published them in her On Becoming a reflexive Researcher book. So I decided to draw out these stanzas sutibaly edited as poems. here is one of them)

1 comment:

Rob Cumming said...

Wiliam - I wonder if being able to get out of being human might make many people grandiose. Me for example. Buber is good on limitations, in Between Man and Man I think. I don't want to be other than human. But I'd like to order my life so that moments of grace and moments of transcendence were easier to attain. But I see these as human things.