Wednesday, 24 February 2010

Now we are sixty - not

My good friend Catherine has challenged me around some of my blogging about being 60 and she is probably right. It goes like this being 60 is now different to being 50, 40 or 30 and yet it is. Like I look older than I did 10 years ago and people ignore me more than ever!

But in myself I feel more or less ageless. Skiing last week my instructor said Level 4 next year - I have been stuck at level 3 these last 3 years and wondered if I would ever progress.(And of course my daughter is now level 6 with merit and telling me so!)

So I can continue to act as if I will live forever and that my body will allow me to do what I want and my mind will still work etc but I know this is not all true. I am certainly going to 'wake up dead' one of these days - whatever that actually means and my body and mind might well wear out a bit or a lot.

However actually being 60 does not change any of this. I have thought a lot about retirement recently but it it not 'retirement' I want. It's freedom. And its freedom to do the things I want to do. So 'retirement' could be the means for being freer. I hope so and hope that when I cease to work full time for an insitution and I am getting closer to that I will be well enough to enjoy the freedom I desire.

But who knows?

And meanwhile how can I make this day, this hour, this minute, this moment, alive to the truest me I can be?

