Saturday, 21 November 2009

Many poet again

Last night I was a Manky poet again at the regular monthly gig in Chorlton library. There was about 50 people there - double last month's audience. So I only got to read one of my poems - 'Bleeding bikes' but it went down well as did my warm up joke. I am getting more relaxed about performing in this way, it is very different to a 50 minute Uni lecture!

I can imagine performing other people's poems which I will probably do at my forthcoming birthday do. So maybe I have got the performing bug. There is another monthly poetry spot in the Green Room so I might end up there one of these months. It is great to be heard in this way. It's very affirming, might even be addictive.

I have entered 2 poems ('It's me or you mate' and 'Bleeding bikes') for the new poetry competition run by Poetic Republic - I entered the competition they ran last Spring and was 33rd out of 310, this was with my poem 'On meeting Pam again after 30 years'. 33rd was enough to encourage me further and I hope to finish in the top 10% this time, ideally the final 12.

I have also sent up a six line short story produced at Paper Planes creative writing workshop last weekend, to I'll keep you posted.

Meanwhile I think the final version of my latest edited academic book has met with my editor's approval. This only leaves my 5th book past its submission date but I blame my co-authors Terry and Clare :)

Best to all,

Bill on bike