Wednesday, 19 March 2008

Cyprus poem


Biking with the sun in my eyes, sheer bliss after some much rain and wind and so grateful to be alive and well. I had a phone call from Dada last week. This amused my daughter Grace no end. Dada is the monk at Ananda Marga where I go for yoga and he rang to tell me that the classes were beginning. Bliss.

Cycling to work through Alexander Park a poem came to me:

Cyprus poem (For Dori and Fenia)

You came to me
from a war torn land
from different sides
of a bloody and awful conflict

You had stories of horrors to tell me
But struggled to hear one another

I loved you both
But I couldn't reconcile you

if you could not live in truth and peace and love
What hope was there for your divided country?

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