On stumbling
across Unitarians
(I wrote this piece on a work trip to Malta last July.)
4 years ago just before my ‘retirement’ I found myself in hospital for 13 days
after surgery on a broken leg following a bicycle accident. During those days and
nights I had plenty of time to think and to stare out of the window. Some of my
planned retirement plans that I had held for a number of years were dropped. One
in particular was to be more involved with Quakers. I had been a member for
over 20 years during the busiest time of my life. It suddenly became crystal clear
to me that being a Quaker no longer fitted for me.
what next? Once mobile again I decided to check out my local Christian churches
in South Manchester. Over the next 18 months or so I visited 8 such churches –
3 C of E, 1 Baptist, URC, joint Baptist-URC, Methodist, and Metropolitan. I
could almost have drawn up a trip adviser table of my reactions to these
churches or perhaps it was more like Goldilocks! I found myself enjoying
singing hymns again, enjoying the ritual of communion and some parts of some of
the sermons I heard. I was made welcome in all situations. I found myself
attending 2 of the churches fairly regularly for a while but not feeling
totally happy with either.
was more of less reconciled to this situation when I was at someone’s
graduation meal one year ago and a stranger mentioned that she went to a
meditation class held at my local Chorlton Unitarian chapel. ‘Hmm’ I thought, ‘why have I not tried them
out?’ Curiously I had visited a Bridge club held there and also had been at a
rehearsal of the choir I belong to in Cross Street Chapel.
first Unitarian service in Chorlton was life changing! We were sat in a horse
shoe formation so I could see everyone and a chalice was passed round. There
were readings, prayers and hymns/songs from a range of religious and spiritual
perspectives many of which resonated with me. One of the biggest surprises for
me was to hear transpersonal language and ideas used in the service which was
lead in an engaging way by Laura Dobson. I had never experienced transpersonal
ideas in a religious setting before.
a young man I had started to have experiences of loving connectedness with
nature which I later realised was a form of mystical or spiritual experience.
It was hard for me to locate such experiences within Christianity in the late
1960s but by the 1990s I was able to find a home in Quakers who were seemingly
mystics but I was still reluctant to voice these experiences especially when
they involved swirling colours. In my experience people hardly ever discussed
what had happened to them in the silence of the Quaker Meeting. Thus hearing
transpersonal language used in my first ever Unitarian service was so
the end it was Cross Street that did it for me. There were a number of
synchronous events. For example one Sunday walking to the service I found
myself thinking of the medieval mystic Julian of Norwich – ‘All will be well’
and then in his sermon Cody Coyne refers to Julian and this same quote. Then on
another Sunday on the way to Cross Street I was thinking of the Serenity prayer
and Cody quoted it that morning. Another time in another sermon I am hearing an
implicit mention of the philosopher Martin Buber, a favourite of mine and Cody
confirmed yes he was thinking of Buber.
I managed to get over my habitual shyness and respond to the warmth of the
welcome I received. It was helpful that in the service Cody usually invited any
of us who wished to come forward and lit a candle to celebrate an event in our
lives or to commemorate something more painful. This put me in touch with the
realities of the lives of my fellow attenders. It led people to ask me about
events in my life that I mentioned. It also
helped that we all sat at one table so I did not have to make an awkward choice
of which table to sit at. Curiously volunteering one Sunday to serve tea and
coffee also helped to break the ice – a great way to strike up casual
I came to realise that Unitarians have a range of experiences, beliefs and
words to describe how they understand spirituality and that there is no
pressure on me to fit in or accept other people views; more the delight in
swapping experiences, ideas, meanings. And of course Unitarians seem a great
place to discern my way forward and to deal with the spiritual uncertainties
raised by my ‘retirement’.