Tuesday, 28 July 2015

On not belonging

On Not belonging: David Copper wrote (in ‘Death of the family’?) in favour of a ‘doubt that alternatively freezes and boils the marrow’. I have a long history of being on the edge and doubting. It is a natural place for a counsellor and maybe researcher and maybe academic. I have not quite belonged to the person-centred tradition, transpersonal, Church of England, counselling psychology, School of Education, Labour Party, Marxist and Communist groups, etc. Oh and my birth family, that’s probably where it started. I am now on the edge of Quakers and wondering what next. Also now on the edge of (academic) work and wondering what next. This is where I stand and G*D forgive me to probably misquote Martin Luther. But this liminal place (there’s a word eh?) has its moments. I can look around and sniff, join in the dance as and when it suits knowing the Truth is bigger which is why we can only discuss and fight over our limited ‘truths’ like blind people feeling an elephant. ‘One eye open wide/one eye closed/and between the two/the picture gets composed’ (TW3 theme tune).